2024 Show – 1st Sunday in June – June 2nd – Save the date ! – Location: Skipton High Street – free entry for visitors 10am – 4pm – but, donations welcome! 
All Applications to bring a show vehicle, are now Full. Please just come and enjoy the event as a visitor !
Sponsors 2024
For any other queries, email us:
admin@ skiptoncarshow .co.uk
Scroll down for a bit of history and info about the show, and the rules and regs, conditions of entry for vehicles etc
Thank – You to everyone that came in 2023 – it was a great event ! – Check out our Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/SkiptonCarShow for photos and feedback.
If you can donate, sponsor or book a trade stand to ensure we have finance to do the show in 2024, please follow the links above, or contact us admin@skiptoncarshow.co.uk
Skipton Car Show 2023 was pleased to be supported by Skipton Business Improvement District (BID)
join our mailing list via the form below
Trade Sponser : Peter Watson Skipton Ltd –
Welcome to our Skipton Car Show website
A bit of History about the show below:
So, a very capable man called Jason ( Jay) started the Show, and most of the words below are his – to give the history, and also, this year, we’re keeping to roughly a similar format as previous years, as it worked …
After successful events in 2015,2016,2017 and 2018, the Show decided to have a break year for 2019. Then, Covid in 2020 and 2021 and a date clash with the Queens Jubilee weekend in 2022 meant that the most recent show was a fresh start in 2023 – organizing it after a 5 year break! – Jay decided to hand over the organizing reigns, and put out a public appeal on the local Facebook group and I responded ! – a few more details here – https://www.facebook.com/SkiptonCarShow/posts/pfbid02DkDqyJa6aD9CasMs5mx9srRCJjdkvX2GgRnjA6GSMWcaKnBECruaEJRHQgwP3jgil
Last year’s 2023 Show was a success, so we’re keeping a similar format, as below – with a bit of other blurb!
Some brief details – my name is Mark Dale, I’m from Yorkshire (Filey) I’ve lived locally in Settle for 22 years, and have organized a lot of Community Events there over the years – Christmas Lights switch on, Food and Craft events, Music Events, Sheep Shambles, Cycling Fests etc. Before returning to Yorkshire, in 2001, I was based in Reading – and worked on many major events, as a full time contractor, from 1989 to 1995 then focussed more on Hospitality, Bar, Nightclub and Chef things. Then, in 2001, I moved back to Yorkshire, and was Head Chef, Hospitality and House Manager at Malham Tarn Field Centre, and National Catering Advisor for the Field Studies Council.
Since about 2004, I’ve been part of the team for running several online car clubs – mainly Mitsubishi 4wd clubs – eg Pajero Owners Club, with 58,000+ members and Delica Owners Club with 12,000+ members – I’ve run many events for them, from drives out, social meets, camping and caravanning holidays, fundraising events, etc etc
I also ran the 4×4 clubs part of JAE – Japanese Auto Extravaganza for several years, with 100’s of Jap Car Clubs meeting up nationally for a social event
So, what I’m trying to say is …. I’ve some experience – but, I can’t promise to get it 100% right – as that is the nature of events … but, I’ll try my best.
But, I do need help – take a look at our volunteers page – even just an hour of help, on the day, or in advance – will be appreciated.
Also we need funding – this event covers it’s costs from grants if available, sponsorship, trade stand fees and donations. – just a couple of pounds can help us put this event on – imagine if everyone who plans to come donated a couple of pounds – we would have the budget to put on a much better event.
Visit our sponsorship page – or send a donation via bank transfer, credit/debit card via stripe or Paypal. We can also receive cheques – email admin@skiptoncarshow.co.uk to get details about sending a cheque. All much appreciated!
Already, I’m rambling on – sorry ! But, just to show that I’m a real, local person, not a big corporate company or owt.
It’s me who responds to emails or messages (until I get help maybe 😉 ) – and I’m easily found on Facebook and Linked In
A few people have already contacted me, with regards helping out – and that is very much appreciated – more welcome ! Check out how you can help – ( link to volunteers page)
We started the Skipton Car Show in 2014 with the first show held in June 2015. There had been various car shows over the years in Skipton held in different parts of the town. These shows were very good but tended to be mainly classic car shows. When we started to put the idea of Skipton Car Show together we decided that we would try to appeal to a larger range of car enthusiasts. We also thought that the High Street in Skipton would make a fantastic backdrop to hold it and make it stand out from other car shows. Although we call it Skipton Car Show we wanted to create more of an event that celebrates the diverse range of interests our country has in vehicles. With this in mind we want Classic, Vintage, Hot Rods, American and Retro Cars, along with motorcycles and the odd truck or two. We came up with three main aims for the show and presented it to the very forward thinking Skipton Town Council. Thankfully they agreed it was a good idea and since then we have worked closely with their fantastic team to put this event on every year. The three main aims we presented were:-
1/ Create another event for Skipton that the town could be proud of
2/ To generate extra footfall through the town which in turn should help local businesses
3/ Help Charities generate funds
Over the years we have been asked many questions on our Facebook page about the show. So below we have put together some reasons for why we do what we do.
- Due to the location of the show we are very limited for numbers and every car has to be PRE-BOOKED- and is via an application form process – we expect a lot of applications, so, unfortunately, not everyone will be able to show their car on the High Street. Of course, we’d still like you to attend, and we expect the car parks in Skipton will be full of great cars!
- We aim to have as much variation of vehicles as possible to appeal to a wide range of tastes
- Generally, we ask for PRE-2004 cars only. There are some exceptions for special, unusual or interesting cars. All vehicles will be booked at our discretion
- There is NO turn up and show
- The £8.50 booking fee is to secure your place at the show. And to help cover the costs of putting the show on.
- Over the years the show has been very busy with the general public and at times people can end up very close to your car. If this could be an issue for you then this is not the show for you
- The show is all on hard standing, however whilst some cars will be on tarmac the majority will be on the setts (cobbles) that can be uneven. If your car is incredibly low and you do not want to park on the cobbles please inform us when sending your information through
- Due to the location of the show being held on the public highway all the vehicles have to be in place by no later than 9:45am and will not be able to move again until the show is closed around 4pm
- We do not want to cause any upset to anyone so please do not turn up without being confirmed, booked and paid
- As this show is a mix of tastes we ask exhibitors to be respectful of others choice of ride as beauty is in the eye the of the beholder
Previously, the show did not have club stands. Nothing against any club and we welcomed individual bookings from clubs. However as stated before we like a varied range of cars on display and we mix up the parking
But, this year, we’re working on a way for Clubs to come and show their cars – use this form here Club Enquiry
How to Show your Car/Bike
Below is the way to apply to book your vehicle in to the show:-
- Please use the form at https://skiptoncarshow.co.uk/application-for-show-vehicles/ to give us information about your car/bike including Make, Model, Year, Registration and a good picture or several (up to 10MB). The pictures are so that I can post it up on here and also on the Facebook page. (If you do not want us to post up your picture please mention this in the application form)
- Once we have received your information and the vehicle fits our show availability we will e-mail you an invoice for £8.50 to confirm your booking. (Payable via Bank Transfer, Card or PayPal – we’d prefer a bank transfer, as we have free banking, and card payments or Paypal charge fees) Please do not send any money until we confirm your place and request it. This is payable within 7 days, if unpaid after 7 days, we may offer the space to someone else.
- Once booked and paid you will receive a booking confirmation e-mail
- The joining instructions and car pass will be sent out in plenty of time before the show
BEFORE APPLYING:- Please read the “Rules and Regs” below.
By sending me your details it will be taken that you have read them and agreed to them.
All cars/bikes have to be pre-booked as we are limited for space. Also as it is a public highway that is going to be closed off and made into a pedestrian right of way we can not have cars moving about. So to avoid any disappointment of being turned away on the day, get your applications in!
Rules and Regs
We want this show to be as chilled out and enjoyable for all as possible.
By applying, you’re agreeing to these rules, and allowing us to use the photos and vehicle info you supply, on our website, social media and marketing etc – unless you say on the form that you don’t want this.
However there has to be some rules as this is a public highway and there will be pedestrians walking around.
1/ All cars/bikes that are showing have to be on the high street by 9.45am displaying the vehicle pass in the windscreen.
2/ Please adhere to a strict 5 mph speed limit while moving cars/bikes around on the closed part of the high street.
3/ All engines must be switched off by 9.50am and not started again until the show is over at 4.00pm.
4/ Cars/Bikes will not be able to leave until the end of the show (unless for emergency which you would need to contact a member of the crew)
5/ No loud stereo’s to be played at any time during the show, no engine revving and no burnouts. If this happens you will be asked to leave.
Disclaimer:- Although the road will be closed the rules and regulations of the public highway apply and should be adhered to. You are responsible at all times for your own vehicle. You display your car at your own risk and any damage or loss is not the responsibility of any of the “Skipton Car Show” organisers or sponsors. The show is insured for public liability. However it is down to the individual exhibitor to make you have adequate insurance cover for the activity you are engaging in.
I know these may seem a bit harsh but these are to make sure everyone has a safe and enjoyable day.
join our mailing list via the form below
Skipton Car Show is funded by the showcar fees, traders stalls, any sponsorship and donations – please help support this event.